SOPHEE PREPARES FOR A CATNAP IN THE SLEEPYPOD (if you can't see the video, click on the Title)

It's my turn to try the SleepyPod. It’s sooo comfy. I'm grooming before my catnap when I'll curl up in a little ball. It'll be like sleeping on a cloud. I've never slept on a cloud but you know what I mean. It is softer than Meowmuh's Temper-something. Meowmuh says, as with anything new, we should take our time getting used to it. We didn't need time, treats or catnip. We're all in it & lovin' it. See the mesh dome behind me? It fits on the aqua bed & gets zipped closed. Better than getting stuffed in those other carriers with wire doors & removable lids.

As told by: Sophee
Feb 23 2018