Want to meet cat people? Want to see and buy all things cat? If your answer is yes, then you will LOVE CatConLA 2016. This year it is again at The Reef in downtown LA at 1933 S. Broadway on Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26, 2016.
You will be entranced by the display and array of catified furniture, toys, exercise equipment, art, jewelry, literature, food, litter, home goods and fashion (for the two and four-legged critters). Learn about cats from the experts in panel discussions and sessions. Meet known cat videographers, animators, cartoonists and photographers as well as meeting celebrity cats (and their caretakers).
See two-legged critters dressed in amazing cat attire. But the most fun will be meeting people just like you/us -- two-legged critters, male and female -- who love cats. Yes, there is an adoption area filled with kittens tumbling and jumping…so excited about life. And there are the more sedate, wise adult cats also looking for their very own caretaker in their new forever home.
Information for this article was obtained from the website: CatConLA2016 as well as from my own observations and experiences at CatConLA 2015. Sorry, Spirit, neither you nor any of the Cat Authors can attend. But it’s guaranteed that you will get some new, fun toys! The only real cats in attendance will be by invitation only. None of the Cat Authors would appreciate the crowds anyway. Probably all people who love animals are special people but somehow, cat people are really special and so much fun. I/we hope you can attend.