"1. We're convinced the world revolves around us. 2. We'll never turn down a back massage. 3. We sometimes hide when people come to the door. 4. We like to stare at ourselves in the mirror. 5. We can nap anytime, anywhere, regardless of appropriateness or noise levels. 6. All our toys bore us after the first five minutes. 7. We believe in the value of snuggling. 8. We're not so sure about the intelligence level of dogs. 9. Sometimes we run around for no apparent reason. 10. We'd rather torture people by making them guess what we want versus just telling them outright."
- Dena Harris - from her book "For the Love of Cats"
Freelance writer & popular cat humorist
Chicken Soup for the Cat Lover's Soul; I Love Cats; Cats & Kittens; Lessons in Stalking...Adjusting to Life with Cats & more