"I learn a lesson of life from a little kitten of mine, one of two. The old cat comes in and says, very cross (to the kittens): "I didn't ask you in here, I like to have my Missus to myself!" Then he runs at the kittens. The bigger and handsome kitten runs away, but the little one stands her ground and, when the older enemy comes near enough, the little kitten kisses the enemy's nose and makes peace. That is the lesson of life, to kiss one's enemy's nose while always standing one's ground."
- Florence Nightingale
Nurse (Crimean War), founder of modern nursing, author, educator, inventor, researcher, statistician & philanthropist
Notes on Nursing: What it IS & What it is Not
Authority on hospital planning
Consultant during the following wars: American Civil War, Franco-Prussian War & multiple British military campaigns