Now you see me, now you don't. Now you see me, now you don't. How many times do you see me? How many times you don't? Bet you can't keep count! Hope our hooman sees you at CatConLA2019! Meow, meow.
I see you, do you see me? I'm a pretty big guy but this is a pretty big bag. Purrfect fur me. Our hooman got these from folks that she met at last year's CatConLA.
Here's those big bags I've been talking about. You can not only get in them & look out through the peep holes but you can hide -- disappear in them. That's what cats do. Inkee-Bear loves them too as you'll see in the next pics. For me, bags mean one thing -- actually two things -- hide and ride. Our hooman is going to say meow to the cat toy maker from
I want to go to CATCONLA. Know why? They have some of the coolest toys!! Our fav toys are 's cat-tail teaser AND their big bags for us to hide and ride in. My hooman gives me bag rides. I get in the bag, nestle down and she carries me to --- who knows where? Your guess is as good as mine.
Yes, yes, yes. It's that time of year again! Our hooman is going to that CatConLA -- June 29 and 30 -- at the Pasadena Convention Center. She's not taking us -- it's against the rules. Rules, rules, rules!