INKEE-BEAR: Like my box? I have it all to myself! This box came from Mary at Corsica Deli. Know how I know? We cats have super sensitive sniffers. Mine detects turkey, cheese, avocado, and bacon. That means my hooman's fav sandwich -- the turkey club -- was in this box. Our hooman is so weird. She only eats half the sandwich and puts the other half in the fridge. Not me! I inhale every morsel set in front of me. And, remember, it never hurts to ask for more!

SPIRIT: I was wondering where you were. Cool box, huh?
INKEE-BEAR: Groan. It WAS a cool box. Haven't you heard of social distancing? Spirit, this box is clearly not big enough for both of us.
SPIRIT: Yes it is. Besides, it's time to groom & nap.
INKEE-BEAR: It's time to split.

INKEE-BEAR: Spirit, I was quarantining. Now I'm getting smished, the box is bulging and you're not wearing a mask.
SPIRIT: Neither are you so stop with the whining. The box will survive us. We always nap together -- it's fun.
INKEE-BEAR: From your pathological perspective.

SPIRIT: Hey! Wait! Where you goin?! It's nap time. Inkee-Bear! Inkee-Bear?

SPIRIT: He's just being a sore-head. So what if the box was too small and bulging at the side? Cats can nap anywhere -- in, on, or under either a big or small box -- size doesn't matter. Sigh. Don't tell him but I know where he's going. I know where to find him.

SPIRIT: Found you! I knew where you'd be.
INKEE-BEAR: I have an idea. Why don't you go back to the box and wait for me there.
SPIRIT: You're puttin me on. That's not a good idea. If I go back to the box, you'll stay here.
INKEE-BEAR: That's the most intelligent conclusion I've ever heard from you. Have you heard about social distancing? We should be at least 6 tails apart. Besides, I want a solo cat nap. Sometimes, little dude, you are pawsomely irritating!

GRACEE: Guess who's got the box now. Poor Inkee-Bear. He loves peace and Spirit's middle name is clearly NOT peace. Inkee-Bear's pain is my gain if you know what I mean. Stay home, stay safe and remember, if you do go out, arm yourself -- with not just your mask but gloves for your paws too. Especially if you're gonna be swatting anyone, I mean anything.