
Guest Post: An Unlikely Friendship

Captain Slinky was a ferret, named for is method of climbing and descending steps, and for his rank among ferrets. Rocky was a cat, named after a Beatles song.

Rocky was trained by a diligent pair of young boys to stalk and ambush toy trucks pulled on a string. Captain hid used q-tips and cotton balls under couches and furniture, probably for a rainy day but possibly for a sculpture he never got around to completing.


From the below list, check the reason(s) that cats purr.

Cats purr because they are:


Does your cat have the "midnight crazies?"  The AWW! Bloggers call their cats' crazies episodes:  the witching hour, psycho mode, zoomies, monster mode, cat circus, getting the demons out and post-poop party.  These temporary losses of sanity are called midnight crazies because they occur at night.  One theory is that domesticated cats, like their ancestors, instinctively come alive at night because that is when their prey is most available.  Others theorize that since a cat spends so much time sleeping that their energy is stored up and the crazies are actually energy surges.


   Have you ever watched your cat while he/she is purring?  He purrs both when he exhales AND when he inhales. The purr is distinctive from other cat vocalizations. Other vocalizations such as the 'meow' are limited to the expiration of breath.

    Per 'Everyday Mysteries' from the Library of Congress:  A cat's laryngeal muscles open and close the glottis (the space between the vocal chords) resulting in the vocal chords separating and producing the purr sound.  Studies show that the movement of the laryngeal muscles is triggered by a unique 'neural oscillator' in the cat's brain.  A cat that has laryngeal paralysis cannot purr.


Gracee, the eldest of the cat authors, can only be described as an anxious cat.  She grooms herself more than the other cats, never cuddles with the other cats and tries to control her siblings sometimes with hisses and swats.  One week Gracee had a daily and nightly hissing and swatting episode with at least one of her siblings.  She was swatting so much that week that Spirit, when he walked by her, closed his eyes anticipating her swats.  And she is lightning fast....ten swats in a half-second with the same paw.  Fortunately, she doesn't use her claws.


Per The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA):  Most people ae attracted to Egyptian Maus because of their exotic good looks.  They fall in love with them because of their incredible, irrepressible personalities.  All cats are characters, but these, well, they're absolutely enchanting.  Like all cats, they are individuals, one and all, but typical for the breed they tend to take it to extremes.  Friendly to everyone in the family, they tend to be cautious with strangers and select their "Special Person."  On their own territory, they tend to be extremely outgoing with absolutely no fear and a ton of curiosity.  They make wonderful companions.


PERSONALITY PER THE INTERNATIONAL CAT ASSOCIATION (TICA):  Scottish Folds/Straights are intelligent, inquisitive and loyal to their family.  They tend not to hide around the house or be shy but they will always be around, even following you from room to room.  Most tend to be one of the breeds that breeders and judges refer to as "four on the floor" kitties. They prefer to be close to you with all four feet on something firm rather than being picked up and carried around.  Some learn cute antics like how to open cabinet doors and take a look inside. They can even be trained to play fetch.


The Egyptian Mau is a relatively new breed to the United States.  However, the Mau was a valued household member of Egyptian royalty.  In fact, there are pictographs and statues of these cats in the tombs of the royals.  The bone structure of the Mau face is unique; the rear legs are longer than the front legs and there is an extra flap/pouch of skin between the rear legs and the groin thus allowing the Mau to run at greater speeds.  They have been clocked at 30 to 35 mph.  They are quick to express their wants, are very devoted to their owners and can be very sociable.