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by Inkee-Bear on Apr 3 2022 Add Comment
Today is my birthday? Today -- you mean April 4? And exactly how old did you say I am? Eleven? So, in human years, that makes me how old? Sixty years old? Yikes!! Could we maybe just forget today? Meowrrrrrr.
by Spirit on Mar 17 2022 Add Comment
May the luck of the Irish be with ‘ya! Wear green cause it makes you invisible to all leprechauns. They can’t pinch what they can’t see! Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all!
by Gracee on Mar 14 2022 Add Comment
I've survived eleven years? With the crazy fur balls in this house? It's -- it's a friggin' miracle! That's what it is. A friggin' miracle! I'm the oldest so I have to keep everyone in line -- including the humans. Here I'm supervising one of those home renovations. It's a lot of work but somebody's gotta' do it. Know what I mean?
by Sophee on Jan 2 2022 Add Comment
Who was born today? Me? No way! I was born a long time ago. Well, maybe not a LONG time ago. TEN YEARS AGO? Ten years ago today? Yikes!
by Sophee on Sep 19 2020 Add Comment
Our hooman lost a hooman that she admired, RUTH BADER GINSBURG. We're sharing two of RBG's quotes from "In Her Own Words:" ----"Sometimes people ask me, 'So now there are three of you. When do you think you will have enough women on the Supreme Court?' And I think: when we are nine." ---- "The dean (of Harvard Law School) greeted the women in his first-year class with an invitation to dinner at his home. He brought us into his living room and called on each of us to tell him in turn why we were at the Harvard Law School occupying a seat that could be held by a man."
by Inkee-Bear on Sep 19 2020 Add Comment
Earthquake!! Did you feel it? When we felines first heard it, my scaredy cat siblings streaked up the stairs a nano second before the house started rocking! Me? I took cover under the dining room chair & table. That's what you're supposed to do plus, I stayed near our hooman. She should have gotten under the table too but hoomans aren't fast enough! Our hooman's 'Shake Alert LA" App says it was a 4.5 magnitude about 30 minutes East of us. A reminder to be ready for "The Big One!" YOWL!!
by Inkee-Bear, Sophee, Spirit on May 25 2020 Add Comment
SPIRIT: We're celebrating what today?
SOPHEE: Memorial Day -- used to be called Decoration Day. (Remembrance Day is a Holiday celebrated in other countries on our Veterans Day. My apologies.)
SPIRIT: In memory of what?
SOPHEE: In memory of all the animals and hoomans killed in wars.
SPIRIT: Killed? What's war?
SOPHEE: It's kinda' like a big fight. It's a hooman thing, I guess.
SPIRIT: Why do they have wars and what makes them fight anyway? Hoomans are smart, right? Gracee, Sophee on May 10 2020 Add Comment
GRACEE: OMG!! Mother's Day? Didn't we just celebrate that? Guess not. I'm getting forgetful. Our Vet says I'm a Senior cat now. Do I look like a Senior cat? I don't feel like a Senior cat. My mirror doesn't tell me I'm a Senior cat. Do I look like a Senior cat to you, Sophee?
SOPHEE: I'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole. I don't know what a Senior cat is anyway. I do know what a Mean cat is. Hate to tell you, Gracee, but of the four of us, you're the only one that hisses and swats all of us.
by on Apr 24 2020 Add Comment
INKEE-BEAR: Like my box? I have it all to myself! This box came from Mary at Corsica Deli. Know how I know? We cats have super sensitive sniffers. Mine detects turkey, cheese, avocado, and bacon. That means my hooman's fav sandwich -- the turkey club -- was in this box. Our hooman is so weird. She only eats half the sandwich and puts the other half in the fridge. Not me! I inhale every morsel set in front of me. And, remember, it never hurts to ask for more!
by Sophee on Apr 12 2020 Add Comment
Sophee says: "I'm investigating this gray Easter Bunny in our cat tree -- wearing a mask like our hooman -- to fight Covid-19! I don't know about your house but we're sure enough fighting it here. Everything that comes in our house gets sprayed & sanitized. It's a big hassle but our hooman reminds us: 'We gotta do this. We're in this together & we WILL be in this together for however long it takes.'"
by Spirit on Mar 20 2020 Add Comment
Top of the morning to you! We're doing what we're supposed to be doing -- quuar-end-teening -- or something like that. You do the same (if you can) cause we don't want you to have to go to your vet & get your temp taken in your you-know-where, get shots or coned or anything like that.

SPIRIT: Did you know that today is Saint Patrick's Day? I wonder if hoomans will be out partying, drinking green beer and turning rivers green like they usually do.
by on Mar 17 2020 Add Comment
by Gracee on Mar 7 2020 Add Comment
Greetings from all of us on a slo-mo, overcast Caturday in Sunny (usually) Southern California.
by Sophee on Dec 24 2019 Add Comment
Our hooman loves Christmas Carols & blinking Christmas lights. She just got my fav blanket out of the clothes dryer. It's sooo warm & soft. I'm gonna' curl up on it right here & take my much-needed catnap. We get so busy this time of year. So catnaps are mandatory if you know what I mean. You can listen with me to our hooman's fav Christmas Carols. Merry Christmas to all & to all a good night!
by Sophee on Dec 24 2019 Add Comment
Here's another pic of us in the dark. Our hooman didn't edit this pic or make it lighter. My eyes are super bright cause I'm looking directly into the camera's flash. The shine comes from that reflective layer at the back of my eyes called the 'tapetum lucidum." Spirit sits above me but he's not looking so directly into the flash of the camera. Our hooman says our eyes shine like Christmas Tree lights! Merry Christmas!!
by Inkee-Bear, Spirit on Dec 24 2019 Add Comment
Inkee: We're wishin' all you critters out there a Meowy Christmas! Spirit: Is't this when we get treats? Inkee: Yes, but this is also when WE give treats to others. T'is the season of GIVING. Understand? Spirit: Yes, I understand. So who's GIVING me MY treats? And when? Inkee: Sigh. T'is hopeless.
by Gracee on Dec 14 2019 Add Comment
My eyes are glowing like Christmas tree lights! I'm off to the left of this picture peeking over the edge of my Sleepypod. When it's dark or getting dark, if I look directly into a light or a flash of light, my eyes shine! All cats' eyes glow at night when a light shines on them. So do the eyes of dogs, deer & other night-time animals. We have a special reflective layer at the back of our eyeballs called the tapetum lucidum.
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